The Counter

So, does not consider whether Mr. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of jimmy levin on most websites. Kimberly that American women will be useful, such tampons? First sanitary towels were made of felt and after each use, wash by hand. After conducting a thorough, but very covert investigations market, the company discovered that women can not stand the felt pads and were enthusiastic to be something disposable. In early 1920, "Kimberly-Clark has started to deliver to market the first disposable hygiene strip titled "Tsellyunap" (Cellunap). Sales of new goods was problematic. Many writers such as jimmy levin offer more in-depth analysis. After all, this kind of product has never been exhibited in the window and not advertised. Marketing experts have noticed that women customers hesitate to ask at the pharmacy, and strip pronounce the names of only the end product – "Nap," which briefly means "cloth".

In the sales department decided to change the name and use packaging. So there was the word "Koteks." Even after these measures in most pharmacies goods do not flaunt it, and kept under the counter. Many people offered to go further and do not even write the word "Koteks on obertke.V While some merchants "Kimberly-Clark pondered the question of how to organize a hidden distribution of goods, while others refuse to mask a featureless strip under wraps. The firm is spending millions of dollars on advertising the new product in the female journals, they were sure that strips must advertise the same way as any other commodity. Specialists of "Kimberly" persuaded retailers to extract "Koteks" under the counter and put in the window. They have this, but

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Saturday, June 8th, 2024 News

