
Best Time

The best time to invest in Peru with a new ETF 27 July 2009 a few days ago we graciously received from one of our readers from Peru, an opinion survey by the University of Lima between the 18 and 19 July, the population of Lima and Callao Region, with very interesting results that allow you to do an x-ray of the situation in Peru today. Between revealing data not surprised me too when I saw the fall in the discharge of Alan Garcia as President. The discharge of strongly fell from 38.3% to 31.9%. Probably the social conflicts came together with the deterioration of the product of the international financial crisis economy and resulted in tremendous fall in the presidential image. Often in my articles acknowledge the multiple successes of Alan Garcia management that has resulted in an economy that has managed to grow vigorously in recent years and has begun to show evidence of economic development thanks to sound policies in regard to macroeconomic stability and the predictability of the rules of the game.

Despite this, the social debt is the main outstanding current account. Just these two elements are seen clearly when pollsters exposed responses on the evaluation of the management of Alan Garcia, according to the social stratum to which belongs who responds to it. What is observed is that citizens belonging to the higher social stratum, 51.1% approve the management of Alan Garcia, while at the other end, the poorest, only 21.8% approval it. A fact that struck me is related to the management of Luis Carranza as Minister of economics. Despite the deterioration that observes the economy in recent months product of the crisis, its approval level has grown in a very significant way reaching 43.6% of respondents currently. The range of approval according to social stratum runs from 64.9% to the stratum of higher incomes up to 34.5% for the lower social stratum.

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Thursday, March 22nd, 2018 News Comments Off on Best Time

Michael Jackson

Curiosities inside we all have our own, curious to know things that are not a priori logical or seem to have no response, things that they can sometimes be fun, intriguing or surprising. On our site you will find all kinds of trivia that you can squeeze your brain in a way practice and fun, curiosities that will make you think about how complicated that seem as simple and things that sometimes can become reality. Insurance that many times you asked how it is or how to use any thing, the intricacies of film or where this trick of some optical illusions, you can now find them all in I’m a curious. You will find scientific curiosities where you can discover for example that the brain works more fast when you lie but will also explain the why of this. You can understand in a way fun such as Michael Jackson could tilt 45 degrees without breaking anything or fall to the ground. You know and you will understand how we do many of the things we use in our everyday lives and never have known as they are manufactured. Perhaps the most surprising of all they are the mathematical curiosities by geniuses of commodity to invest many years of his life in decoding them, we bring them you and explain to you who can understand them without wasting much time.

You will learn that not everything is as complicated as it looks in reality, you will see that you things more they are sometimes weird and unusual it by that don’t know to look at them with the Prism required to be able to see them well and understand them as we should. We also invite you to participate with your collaboration by sending us new curiosities to our site to participate to our readers. We invite you to spend a good time understanding things more unusual and inexplicable of our times in I am a funny, the blog of curiosities.

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Thursday, March 22nd, 2018 News Comments Off on Michael Jackson

The Same

Delving deeper: the trip is for 1 single person and you have to deposit 100 to make the reservation, that you back then even if you discounted (35 euros) by the management.The trip is 4 days and 3 nights in 3 or 4 star hotel in regime of automatics. (comrades @ 400 euros). In the event you go sol@,deberas share a room with another person, but want to share it and ask for a single room will have to pay a supplement of (199 euros). The flight leaves from Barcelona or Madrid.Los that we don’t live there, will have to pay for the trip from your city to the city of departure of the flight.(They only pay the transfer resulting in the same city).Rates and increase of fuel remain at our expense.(60 euros). It can happen due to departure times have to do night in that city. The cancellation insurance fee (25 euros) per person. You have to do before a minimum order to Venca (25-30 euros).

According to e. indagado hotels tend to be located in areas where there is not any tourist attraction, with which you’re forced to hire the excursions offered. You gotta pay you lunches and dinners. WHERE THIS FREE TRAVEL? This post could also be titled: what does not say their free trips venca. Fuente:COSA de Cadiz. Original author and source of the article.

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Wednesday, July 19th, 2017 News Comments Off on The Same


When someone wants something you should know that it risks and why life is worth. We have said on several occasions that we are energy that our body’s moves thanks to the energy that he assumes, therefore we are subject to all those stimuli that somehow activated our energies, often in a negative way, other positively. Important thing is to determine what those stimuli that we favor. Up to many times the ones identified with parapsychological science have ventured to try to explain the Paranormal phenomena under the perception. Theories that are derived from energy and its impact on the behavior of being, more so when manifested many times a special energy that has not been able handle, especially psychic and unexplained phenomena as telepathy, that promotes clairvoyance, and why not the levitation and everything that has become famous to Sai Baba in the appearance and disappearance of objects. The truth, that the topic of electromagnetism which is our goal in this opportunity is very interesting and with regard to this, Pablo Villarrubia in writing about him presented in the journal year zero of Spain, provides US with significant information that we share with those interested in these subjects as it is textually, that present-day man is immersed in a huge, invisible and dangerous ocean of radiation.

Those living in large cities are most susceptible to this threat, that can produce lethal, such as cancer or leukemia disease. That enemy that surrounds us everywhere are electromagnetic waves that produce from the seemingly harmless household appliances – such as televisions or blenders – up lines of high-voltage or large electrical generators. A few years some scientists gave the first voices of alert, but it is now when the surveys and research have come to prove that the problem is, in reality, much more serious than it seems. Popular interest was awakened as a result of the recent lawsuit filed against an electricity company by the father of Simon Stuholme, a British 13-year-old boy who died of leukemia in 1992.


Monday, August 10th, 2015 News Comments Off on Electromagnetism

Make Profitable Investments

Discover what is your tolerance for risk and your investor profile will help you to select the profitable investments more conveniently… While there are different types of profitable investments that can be made, we can encontrarsolo three distinct investor profiles. On the one hand we have the Conservatives, and on the other by the aggressive investors contrariolos. A middle ground is located between the two. The Conservatives are seeking safety does not want to risk the suficienteya who are afraid of losing everything. In general while less risk less profit is generated, but by another parteestas people can be with peace of mind knowing that your investment is relatively safe.

Another point to add is that these investors are neither much involved in business since selected profitable investments that can leave easily when the situation get worse on the other hand the Agresivos are that on the contrary, they want to take risks and invest larger amounts of money in businesses that, in the majority of cases random and ignorance of the future, increase the risk of lose or win. Depending on the goal that each person has their profiles of investors come to light. There are some who are raised to retire within 30 years, therefore do not risk and seek security as common funds or Government bonds, they obviously are conservatives. Another feature that distinguishes them is that in the majority of cases they don’t want to deliver their initial investment, i.e. they prefer to have the security that is available all the time in the event that should happen it to want to remove it. On the other hand, there are businessmen who are asked to buy a home in 2 years and are dedicated to analyze and invest fully in businesses that give many profits and hence are high risk, where others do not dare to invest.

This is the case of investors Agresivos, wanting higher profits in shortest time. In general its investment portfolio consists mainly by actions and investments in companies with the future. In the medium term as we said, a moderate investor is someone who knows diversify. It has investments in mutual funds and bonds that are relatively safe and leaves a margin of its funds to investments with high risk. If it goes bankrupt or fails to risking at least recover part of the losses with safe investments. If he wins on the other hand, maximizing their utilities without risking losing everything. Do now that knows the 3 profiles to make profitable investments in which you are located?


Wednesday, April 17th, 2013 News Comments Off on Make Profitable Investments

Government Companies

The Venezuelan companies at present, in particular SMEs, are facing serious problems in relation to its operation, product of the incidence of new policies, strategies, actions, programs, undertaken by the current Government for its campaign of instituting socialism in the country, aspect that was not contemplated by the business sector, its management being affected many SMEsgiven the uncertainty, risk that is generated, especially in the acquisition of inputs, technology, wages, instability, productivity, competitiveness. All this has affected in the organizational behavior of many companies, their functions and since then, in one of the most active as it is the management of markets that should empathize with the reality of the scenario that unfolds, as well as the accelerated dynamics of globalization, which has today become very significant with a competition that offers great opportunities. Management must accept new trends that become a challenge for them, (such as: a-.) The political and legal environment: in this regard, Schewe and Smith (1982), says that society recognizes that there are inequities when economic and social systems are left to their own discretion. In theory, the Government represents the wishes and needs of citizens, and establish laws for its defenses. As citizens have a responsibility to recognize and obey all traffic laws, traders should be aware of the laws and regulations that affect their products and business.

Consider that laws legislative bodies emit and any company, no matter how big and influential that, can exercise control. b-) technology: technological advances are non-controllable variables that have a great impact on the marketing and can not neglect, as the specific case of the computer. Although manufacturers can establish certain technical direction, they may not make any way that a breakthrough will occur. (C) competition: In a free society, competition is impossible to regulate, where marketing management must be alert to the companies and to the activities of the competition.


Thursday, January 3rd, 2013 News Comments Off on Government Companies

Presidential Commission

An explosion on an oil rig killed 11 people and caused the discharge of five million barrels of oil. A report by a Presidential Commission already pointed to the decisions of the oil company as causing the worst ecological catastrophe in the history of EE UU. Bad decisions of British oil company BP in the management of its Macondo well were, above the mistakes of its contractors, the main cause of the huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, according to the U.S. official report. The accident which occurred on April 20 in the Deppwater Horizon oil platform and which caused the death of 11 operators as well as spillage of five million barrels of oil into the sea for six months. The final report a set of Coast Guard and the Bureau of management and regulation of the ocean of USA (Boemre, in English), points out the failure of BP when dealing with the risks associated with a series of decisions that aimed to save time or costs. The document, published this Wednesday after 17 months of research, was expected with great interest in the oil industry over the impact that will have on the granting of permits for drilling offshore, a task that corresponds to Boemre. More than 160 kilometers off the coast of the State of Louisiana (EE UU) were affected and the maximum representative of the State has complained repeatedly of the decisions of the company.

The findings add published that in January the Presidential Commission appointed by President Barack Obama after the disaster, which spread the blame among BP and its subcontractors, Halliburton and Transocean. The cascade of errors that the report speaks of Boemre reaches these two companies, but their responsibility is above all in its lack of synchrony and communication with BP in managing the platform.The failure of BP and Transocean in ensuring that they had a common and integrated in the well control approach was a possible cause of the explosion of Macondo, the report said. However, the document warns that, in the months preceding the disaster, Transocean had a history of deficiencies in the area of security, and that it failed to interpret a crucial test that measured the pressure in the well. Both BP and Transocean and Halliburton had programs that were forced to stop work on the holding in the case of anomalies, recalls the report, and the fact that did not, after having found multiple risks and warnings, was one of the causes of the spill. One of the causes was the inability of BP maintain oversight and liability complete on activities associated with the Deepwater Horizon platform, continues. The report contains dozens of recommendations to improve safety in the industry, including changes to improve the system of prevention of spills or to ensure that engines of the platforms do not absorb the gas. Source of the news: EE UU attributed to mismanagement of BP blame for the oil spill on the Gulf of Mexico

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Thursday, January 3rd, 2013 News Comments Off on Presidential Commission

