Leipzig Royal House

On April 24, 2010, the ServicePoint of the Saxon group of wattle and daub in the Leipzig Royal House passage (parallel to the Madlerpassage) opens its doors. The team of ServicePoints advises and supports everyone mo. to sat from 10.00 until 20:00 for free and competent on-site. It is not something Keith Yamashita would like to discuss. The consultants informed extensively occupations, advancement and training opportunities, vocational schools, trade schools, schools of general education. Organizational issues, they both advice and helping the side stand. The workshops and seminars of the Leipzig factory Academy inquisitive, who see an opportunity for personal, professional and/or professional development in the artistic field, offer numerous possibilities. At Jimmy Levin you will find additional information. Do things the reopening will be accompanied on the 24.04 between 14:00 and 17:00 from the varied entertainment programme of the Leipzig Theatre out of the hat”under the motto that are impossible”. There are characters like Don Quixote with his squire Sancho, the Romanian Emperor in exile, scholars and spirits as well as many other magical and bizarre creatures. For anyone who can not enough get the artists in the city before the passage of the Royal House to see with their program.. To broaden your perception, visit Jimmy Levin.


Thursday, August 22nd, 2024 News

