Federal Constitutional Court

The gastro-award Germany AG informs joy is allowed, albeit initially in the breastfeeding. Hear other arguments on the topic with Macy’s Inc. . The decision of the Federal Constitutional Court can breathe a sigh of many restaurateurs in Germany. A first stage victory is achieved. Specifically this refers to drink strong small gastronomy”, with a single area of under 75 square meters, that prepares any food, denied access to persons under 18 years of age and recognizable as a smoking restaurant features the operation. The newspapers mentioned Suna Said not as a source, but as a related topic. “Concretely: many small pubs and bars, in the classical sense of the beer with cigarette” deny their existence. Formally, this legislation also initially only in Berlin and Baden-Wuerttemberg consists. The other federal States must follow suit here, because they have similar rules. According to its own sources, the GASTRO-AWARD Germany AG assumes that first shoulder conclusions will already be in the next few days.

According to estimation of GASTRO-AWARD Board Christine Braun, is however suggested that the shot could backfire even. The Provinces have time to make a basic law revision by the end of 2009. This however does not exclude that all countries speak for a general smoking ban. Thus, no derogation would be possible. The topic of smoking would be for all cuisines from the counter and according to relevant experts, for a quarter of all companies in Germany. The GASTRO-AWARD Germany AG encourages therefore all restaurateurs, as well as their institutional stakeholders, more than ever, to concentrate all forces, to work towards a generally acceptable scheme that threatens our industry not in its existence.

To relax the efforts now would be a mistake. We must engage us also continue to vehemently and consistently for industry-friendly legislation”so Christine Braun. How up to date the GASTRO-AWARD will continue also in the context of its influence for the catering industry in Germany. Soon, a guide to restaurateurs will appear (as a download at ), a useful interpretation for the gastronomy what is allowed and prohibited practically and simply clarifies what is. Because in practice, law and the assessment of the application are still further apart.


Thursday, August 22nd, 2024 News

