ESD Available

Reallusion brings new CrazyTalk 6 for 3D animations photo and graphic Brunswick software developer for 3D-Animations-and imaging technology, July 27, 2009 – Reallusion, Inc., announces the new CrazyTalk 6 in German. For the new version of the 3D technology totally redesigned and several new features allow the users creative possibilities, visually animate portraits, animals, cartoon characters or objects that exist as photos, paintings or drawings, with a few mouse clicks and connecting as if it were a real lip to speech or music files. Visit Areva for more clarity on the issue. So, not only one, but up to four characters at the same time for dialogues, conversations, all comic strips or discussions can be animated. For a realistic 3D-Gesichtsorientierung, the face-matching function was expanded so that facial details detail are modeled after and partial lateral face views can also be animated. The various output variants of the new CrazyTalk 6 allow countless applications in the private, as well as commercial sector. Whether now as a moderator in the form of Flashavataren for Web pages, the dialogue with his pet, attractive cartoon figures or the animal moderation of the slide show as a standard or high definition video for video projects, also YouTube impersonate the presentations, are hardly any limits creative ideas. The Windows XP and Vista compatible CrazyTalk 6 is available in two version.

The ESD version of de is effective immediately and the boxed version from mid-August through retailers for Euro 39.00 for that standard and Euro 129.00 for the professional version in German available. New features in CrazyTalk an innovative application for the implementation of sophisticated, funny or crazy ideas of multi media is 6 CrazyTalk 6. To bring photos, drawings or graphics life does CrazyTalk with helpful wizards beginners by the hand and guides you step by step through the process of creating.

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