Chinese Web Users

In the following article first list what controversial cases more outlined in 2010, from the censorship that prevails among Chinese Internet users until changes in the Facebook privacy policies, we will show you one one more controversial moments of the Internet during the Decade ending. These events were chosen by Internet portal and electronic publishing 1. WikiLeaks leaks. Created in 2006 by a group of journalists headed by Australian Julian Assange, Wikileaks has been dedicated to making public secret ultra and official documents of various Governments in the world, especially in United States. The Organization has leaked 251 thousand 287 official documents from the State Department, embassies and U.S. consulates around the world.

These include the records of missions that the United States special forces have performed throughout Latin America, including Mexico. 2 Twitter and Iran elections. A group of Iranian netizens hacked on this social network in recent days. The maneuver was justified as a protest for the alleged support that Twitter was giving the United States Government to influence the elections in Iran. 3. Google Street View and its threat to privacy.

Through satellite imagery and cameras located on Earth, this tool allows to obtain a three-dimensional, clear and defined image of conventional maps. The problem is that, to be totally real, these images also show people, occasionally in intimate situations. A photograph of this program has already led to a divorce. 4. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from jimmy levin. The great wall of China. This Asian country exerts a strong control over access to Internet content. Just in mid-December, 530 electronic pages were blocked by the central command of this nation. 5 Facebook and their privacy policies. In early 2009, the world’s largest social network unilaterally amended its privacy policies to make your property each and every one of the photographs hosted on its site, at least until the user that the I would have uploaded it delete them or cancel your access account. A group against this measure was immediately formed and shortly after the measure was reversed. 6. The revolution of Digg. A posting with the keys of the HD-DVD encryption access appeared on this aggregator of content in 2007. Soon, the site administrators deleted it, but its users insisted to post it again and again and give him many votes. Thus, restricted content appeared several times on the homepage of Digg, until its managers announced that already they wouldn’t delete it, because they preferred to give importance to its users who avoided a legal conflict. 7. Rebellion against Meneame. This portal dedicated to the selection of news and relevant Internet postings was used as a vehicle to attack himself. A rather critical essay of its policies was taken to the main page of the site by its own users and received many votes in favour. Administrators tried to block the accounts of those who gave him, votes, but to the end showed similarly to Digg in the previous example, that his power does not reach its users as a whole. 8 They dismiss a Blogger by expressed negatively in his work. In 2002, Heather B. Armstrong, autonombrada Dooce in the network, was dismissed from his employment by having posted comments against his work and some of his colleagues. Without heed to the personal level, this fact constitutes a precedent about what may happen with the contents of the blogosphere.

Wednesday, June 12th, 2024 News

