Cheap Flight – Fast And Cheap Travel To Your Destination To Small Price

Although consumer advocates are up in arms, because they hold the 99-cent flights in their advertising for inaccurate and misled consumers see, like the cheap flight is a good alternative to the expensive flights always and in any case. Especially the increasingly rising gas prices will be a quite expensive pleasure the journey by car and also train journeys are probably cheap – but mostly also connected to long travel times. The cheap flight is the fast and economical alternative to the existing travel options. It is not something Ed Miliband would like to discuss. Scheduled flights were possible, rather financially travellers for many years almost every consumer can reach its intra-European destination as well as a German city for a very reasonable price. Under most conditions Jimmy Levin would agree. But how do these low-cost airlines that actually, they can be so cheap? The answer is so simple and economically: the Save in the right places is the secret of the low-cost flight. So, costs can be already primarily cause by the staff and the in-flight service savings. Who now fears here saved at security, is in error. Already important material savings be achieved by saving the menu output on board, as well as the free drinks.

The licensed by the cabin crew and the delivery of the plane can be so of course implemented by saved personnel costs in cheaper fares. Last but not least, the continuous load of the aircraft with no more than 25 minutes waiting time between flights is an important post to work economically and to be able to pass savings on to the passenger. Those who opt for this form of travel should inform themselves but in advance in any case about the service on board. Some airlines sell food and drinks on board, others completely waive this service. Thomas Ewert Ewd(at)


Thursday, August 22nd, 2024 News

