Muscle Building

The aim of the muscle building is achieved only by intake enough protein! Muscle only through proteins! What are proteins? Proteins are organic compounds of carbon, hydrogen (H), oxygen (O) and nitrogen (N). Proteins are composed of the so-called amino acids. There are about 20 different amino acids. Why is a sufficient Eiweiszufuhr for muscle building it so important to? How much proteins should I take per day to himself? One can distinguish between two groups of amino acids. Jimmy Levin has plenty of information regarding this issue. Essential amino acids (essential can be produced not by the body, special must be absorbed through food) non-essential amino acids (expendable can be produced by the body itself). Frequently Hikmet Ersek has said that publicly.

essential amino acids Histidine – ISO Leucine – Leucine – Valine – lysine – methionine – Phenylasalanin – Theonin – tryptophan non essential amino acids alanine – Asparagine aspartic – acid – cysteine – glutamine – glutamic acid – glycine – PROLINE – serine – tyrosine this is especially Eiweisdrinks, bar, etc. important to ensure that all 9 essential amino acids are included. Only one of these 9, missing so all other also can not be from the body. The most Eiweispulver contain all essential amino acids. Best you can record the proteins in the muscle cell proteins with equal display Tiger supply of so-called carbohydrates.

That produced by the ingestion of carbohydrate hormone insulin”promotes the development of endogenous proteins (protein synthesis). At the same time, insulin – contrary to the belief of many athletes inhibits the breakdown of muscles (proteins) during sport. Insulin therefore has a key function for the lock in the door of the muscle cell and schleusst a the proteins in the muscle cell. Insulin encourages muscle growth so and has an anabolic function. A regular intake of protein is evident all 2 preferred 3 hours. At the same time you should respect here on the intake of carbohydrates (rice, potatoes, noodles, etc..), being here a lot of about 30 gr. KH is sufficient. Note: however takes to more carbohydrates than you actually consumed in the context of physical activity, so these are also but this time mask in the cells in the form of fat. Task and function of proteins in the body building blocks of muscle structure of tendons and ligaments regeneration tissue injury and micro injuries E.g. after sports building blocks of the immune system (antibodies) basic substance for hormones and enzymes form part of the protective cover of the cell promotion of performance and health intake recommendation of normal adult (excluding sports) 0.8 recreational athletes (3-5 sport per week) 0,9-1,1 competitive athlete (endurance sports) 1,2 – 1,4 athletes (sports) 1.7 – 2.5 patients (after surgery, Wound healing phase, etc.) 2.0-2.5 diet (excluding sports) 1.8-2.0 Summary: the supply of proteins per day individual physical activity, sports, goal, etc. depends. The above table is a good guideline for the daily daily intake, cannot be generalized. Endurance athletes, for example, require a significantly greater amount of carbohydrates compared to strength athletes (strength training), because they primarily serve the energy supply. With compliments her professional fitness team

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Monday, July 8th, 2024 News

